In the 1960s, researchers began experimenting with linking computers to each other and to people through telephone hook-ups, using funds from the U.S Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). ARPA wanted to see if computers in different locations could be linked using a new technology known as packet switching, which had the promise of letting several users share just one communication line. Previous computer networking efforts had required line between each computer on the network, sort of like a train track on which only one train can travel at a time. The packet system allowed for creation of a data highway, in which large numbers of vehicles could essentially share the same lane. Each packet was given the computer equivalent of a map and a time stamp, so that it could be sent to the right destination, where it would then be reassembled into a message the computer or a human could use.
This system allowed computers to share data and the researchers to exchange electronic mail, or e-mail. In itself, e-mail was something of a revolution, offering the ability to send detailed letters at the speed of a phone call.
As this system, known as ARPA Net, grew, some enterprising college students (and one in high school) developed a way to use it to conduct online conferences. These started as science-oriented discussions, but they soon branched out into virtually every other field, as people recognized the power of being able to “talk” to hundreds, or even thousands, of people around the country.
In the 1970s ARPA helped support the development of rules, protocols, for transferring data between different types of computer networks. These “Internet” protocols made it possoble4 to develop the worldwide Net we have today that links all sorts of computers across national boundaries. By the close of the 1970s, links developed between ARPN Net and counterparts in other countries. The world was now tied together in a computer web.
In the 1980s, this network of networks, which became known collectively as the internet, expanded at a phenomenal rate. Hundreds, then thousands, of colleges, research companies and government agencies began to connect their computers to this worldwide Net. Some enterprising hobbyists and companies unwilling to pay the high costs of Internet access learned how to link their own systems to the Internet, even if “only” for e-mail and conferences. Some of these systems began offering access to the public .Now anybody with a computer and modem—and persistence—could tap into the world.
In the 1990s, the Net grows at exponential rates. Some estimates are that the volume of messages transferred through the Met grows 20 prevent a month. In response, government and other users have tried in recent years to expand the Net itself. Once, the main Net “backbone” in the U.S moved data at 1.5 million bits per second. That proved too slow for ever increasing amounts of data being sent over it, and in recent years the maximum speed was increased to 1.5 million and then 45 million bits per second. Even before the Net was able to reach that latter speed, however, Net experts were already figuring out ways to pump data at speeds of up to 2 billion bits per second fast enough to send the entire encyclopedia Britannica across the country in just one or two seconds. Another major change has been the development of commercial services that provide internetworking services at speeds comparable to those of the government system. In fact, by mid-1994, the U.S. government will remove itself from any day –to-day control over the working net, as region l and national providers continue to expand.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Telephone is one of the most useful inventions of science and technology. It was invented by a famous American scientist Graham Bell in the year 1876.it has been the most important thing for human beings. We can not imagine the world without telephone. Now, it has been widely used all over the world.
It has many advantages. Because of the telephone, our vast world has been so narrow that we can talk to any people of the world by sitting in our own room. We don’t have to walk on foot or travel by train, bus etc. to convey the message from one place to another. We can talk on the phone. In this way, telephone has saved our money as well as most valuable time.
It is used at the time of emergency. If there is an outbreak of fire, we can call the fire brigade by using the phone. If the crime is going to take place, we call the ambulance by using phone. In this way, telephone has helped to protect our life and property.
Telephone is a great help for the busy people like businessmen, politicians, doctors etc. most businesses are done by the help of telephone. Doctors are called by phone on emergency.
Telephone plays an important role for the development of the country. So, even the poor people should have access to the telephone. The government should provide the facilities of telephone even in remote areas of the country.
Every useful thing has its disadvantages too. Sometimes we are disturbed by telephone. When we are busy in our important works, we receive the phone thinking it might be an emergency but we hear the sound of music or ‘sorry wrong number’ or ‘I love you’ etc. some bad people use the phone for their bad work like theft, robbery etc. some persons tease, vex or abuse us on the phone .
Telephone is expensive for poor people. So, it has been beyond their capacity. The government should set up many public telephones for them at different places.
We must take advantages of our telephone. We should not use our telephone fore bad works. If we misuse it, it will have adverse effects on human beings.
Telephone is one of the most useful inventions of science and technology. It was invented by a famous American scientist Graham Bell in the year 1876.it has been the most important thing for human beings. We can not imagine the world without telephone. Now, it has been widely used all over the world.
It has many advantages. Because of the telephone, our vast world has been so narrow that we can talk to any people of the world by sitting in our own room. We don’t have to walk on foot or travel by train, bus etc. to convey the message from one place to another. We can talk on the phone. In this way, telephone has saved our money as well as most valuable time.
It is used at the time of emergency. If there is an outbreak of fire, we can call the fire brigade by using the phone. If the crime is going to take place, we call the ambulance by using phone. In this way, telephone has helped to protect our life and property.
Telephone is a great help for the busy people like businessmen, politicians, doctors etc. most businesses are done by the help of telephone. Doctors are called by phone on emergency.
Telephone plays an important role for the development of the country. So, even the poor people should have access to the telephone. The government should provide the facilities of telephone even in remote areas of the country.
Every useful thing has its disadvantages too. Sometimes we are disturbed by telephone. When we are busy in our important works, we receive the phone thinking it might be an emergency but we hear the sound of music or ‘sorry wrong number’ or ‘I love you’ etc. some bad people use the phone for their bad work like theft, robbery etc. some persons tease, vex or abuse us on the phone .
Telephone is expensive for poor people. So, it has been beyond their capacity. The government should set up many public telephones for them at different places.
We must take advantages of our telephone. We should not use our telephone fore bad works. If we misuse it, it will have adverse effects on human beings.
The concept of money is very difficult to define. Therefore, it is easier to understand what money consists of than to give any universally acceptable definition of money. Economists have defined money on the basis 0f these functions. The important function of money is to acts as medium of exchange. Money is what money does. Following this approach, Crowther has stated that money is” anything that is generally acceptable as a means of exchange and that at the same time acts a measure and a store of value “. But this definition has some drawbacks. Historically, many things like banana, shells, goats, metals, etc. have served as money. Animal money had the disadvantage of indivisibility and was susceptible to disease, old age, and death. It was also expensive to store. Different economics have defined money in different ways. Some of the definitions are as follows.
In Ely’s definition, “Money is anything that passes from hand to hand as medium of exchange and is generally received in final discharge of debts.” According to Marshal, “All those things which are current without doubt or special inquiry as a means of purchasing commodities and services and job defraying expenses are included in the definition of money.” Similarly, Keynes has defined money is that by the delivery of which debt-contracts and price contracts are discharged in the shape of which a store of ge3neral purchasing power is held.”
The concept of money is very difficult to define. Therefore, it is easier to understand what money consists of than to give any universally acceptable definition of money. Economists have defined money on the basis 0f these functions. The important function of money is to acts as medium of exchange. Money is what money does. Following this approach, Crowther has stated that money is” anything that is generally acceptable as a means of exchange and that at the same time acts a measure and a store of value “. But this definition has some drawbacks. Historically, many things like banana, shells, goats, metals, etc. have served as money. Animal money had the disadvantage of indivisibility and was susceptible to disease, old age, and death. It was also expensive to store. Different economics have defined money in different ways. Some of the definitions are as follows.
In Ely’s definition, “Money is anything that passes from hand to hand as medium of exchange and is generally received in final discharge of debts.” According to Marshal, “All those things which are current without doubt or special inquiry as a means of purchasing commodities and services and job defraying expenses are included in the definition of money.” Similarly, Keynes has defined money is that by the delivery of which debt-contracts and price contracts are discharged in the shape of which a store of ge3neral purchasing power is held.”
The concept of money is very difficult to define. Therefore, it is easier to understand what money consists of than to give any universally acceptable definition of money. Economists have defined money on the basis 0f these functions. The important function of money is to acts as medium of exchange. Money is what money does. Following this approach, Crowther has stated that money is” anything that is generally acceptable as a means of exchange and that at the same time acts a measure and a store of value “. But this definition has some drawbacks. Historically, many things like banana, shells, goats, metals, etc. have served as money. Animal money had the disadvantage of indivisibility and was susceptible to disease, old age, and death. It was also expensive to store. Different economics have defined money in different ways. Some of the definitions are as follows.
In Ely’s definition, “Money is anything that passes from hand to hand as medium of exchange and is generally received in final discharge of debts.” According to Marshal, “All those things which are current without doubt or special inquiry as a means of purchasing commodities and services and job defraying expenses are included in the definition of money.” Similarly, Keynes has defined money is that by the delivery of which debt-contracts and price contracts are discharged in the shape of which a store of ge3neral purchasing power is held.”
The concept of money is very difficult to define. Therefore, it is easier to understand what money consists of than to give any universally acceptable definition of money. Economists have defined money on the basis 0f these functions. The important function of money is to acts as medium of exchange. Money is what money does. Following this approach, Crowther has stated that money is” anything that is generally acceptable as a means of exchange and that at the same time acts a measure and a store of value “. But this definition has some drawbacks. Historically, many things like banana, shells, goats, metals, etc. have served as money. Animal money had the disadvantage of indivisibility and was susceptible to disease, old age, and death. It was also expensive to store. Different economics have defined money in different ways. Some of the definitions are as follows.
In Ely’s definition, “Money is anything that passes from hand to hand as medium of exchange and is generally received in final discharge of debts.” According to Marshal, “All those things which are current without doubt or special inquiry as a means of purchasing commodities and services and job defraying expenses are included in the definition of money.” Similarly, Keynes has defined money is that by the delivery of which debt-contracts and price contracts are discharged in the shape of which a store of ge3neral purchasing power is held.”
Later in course of time, scientists and technicians invented different kinds of vehicles which made our life easier and more comfortable than before. Now, we can travel very fast from one place to another. Japan is only a few hours travel from here.Modern means of transportation have brought a lot of changes to social norms and values, cultures and business. We don’t have to array our goods on our back. The things of one place can be shifted to far place can be shifted to far pa\laces within some hours. Spy, we are using the things made in foreign countries. We can share our ideas, feelings and thought to the people who live very far from us. We can eat our breakfast in Nepal and lunch in Hong Kong it is because of the modern means of transportation. People have refavhek the moon and are trying to reach the other planets. No development work is possible without the modern means of vehicles. Transportation brings the people close to each other. It creates a sense of national unity and patriotism. I is one of the most important factors tor the development of the country.
Transportation consists of all sorts of vehicles like bus, car, plane, ship train, boat etc. We cannot imagine the life without transportation. Transportation is one of the most useful inventions of science and technology. It has brought a lot of changes in our life. The world is very big but the transportation has made a small place. We can travel the whole world within twenty-four hours.
In the past people had to walk on foot from one place to another. It was very tiring and difficult. They had to walk for days. Traveling in the past was very dangerous too. Some rich people used to walk on horse or elephant’s back. Still it was not fast. People could not exchange the things easily. People were compelled to live in one place. Muscle power was only the source of power.

Friendship in Human
Human beings are after called social animals. Their each and every act must have bearing to social development. Each individual must try their level must best to demonstrate his/her bodacious job. I opine that none under the sky is complete in oneself. He may possess copious virtues but it is for certain in that he seeks for a trust worthy friend. True friend are those who willingly agree every this and that of friends he follows the practice of hepotism and has abyss though for his friends. He is infavor of ushering his friends into ever present grin of good. It is said that friends in needs are friends in deed. Here, one easily misses the figure of speech (pun) present in ‘in need’. And thus that is that. A real friend helps his friend s even in simple matter and is ready to leap into dark sea to earn his friends’ good will.
From time immemorial the nature and god has showed the blessing of friendship in the human life. It is expected that even lord Ram and lord Krishna favoured friends Sukurive respectively. Therefore it appears to me that friendship is the oldest virtue known. No one can deny that hybrid friendship is essence of admirable friends and there is no prize for guessing its backbones. When comes the topic of present context, friendship is still continuing its long lasting process but I’m afraid to say true friend and real friendship is as rear as raspberry in winter. The cradle of friendship has often blue blood with very short and pretty life. True friendship with its cortious way is just a dream to day and source of it has already hidden behind human usual concept. Human are using their guile for beneficial friendship. They are in fact hypocrites; they are in need of real sense of felling.
Thus all of us must raise bold voice to eradicate selfish friendship and must stretch our arms to establish pious friendship. Let’s make a strong knot with the world wide friendship.
Human beings are after called social animals. Their each and every act must have bearing to social development. Each individual must try their level must best to demonstrate his/her bodacious job. I opine that none under the sky is complete in oneself. He may possess copious virtues but it is for certain in that he seeks for a trust worthy friend. True friend are those who willingly agree every this and that of friends he follows the practice of hepotism and has abyss though for his friends. He is infavor of ushering his friends into ever present grin of good. It is said that friends in needs are friends in deed. Here, one easily misses the figure of speech (pun) present in ‘in need’. And thus that is that. A real friend helps his friend s even in simple matter and is ready to leap into dark sea to earn his friends’ good will.
From time immemorial the nature and god has showed the blessing of friendship in the human life. It is expected that even lord Ram and lord Krishna favoured friends Sukurive respectively. Therefore it appears to me that friendship is the oldest virtue known. No one can deny that hybrid friendship is essence of admirable friends and there is no prize for guessing its backbones. When comes the topic of present context, friendship is still continuing its long lasting process but I’m afraid to say true friend and real friendship is as rear as raspberry in winter. The cradle of friendship has often blue blood with very short and pretty life. True friendship with its cortious way is just a dream to day and source of it has already hidden behind human usual concept. Human are using their guile for beneficial friendship. They are in fact hypocrites; they are in need of real sense of felling.
Thus all of us must raise bold voice to eradicate selfish friendship and must stretch our arms to establish pious friendship. Let’s make a strong knot with the world wide friendship.
Importance of English Language
English is an international language. It has worked as a link language. It is widely spoken all over the world. America, Britain, Australia, Newzeland, Canada etc. are some countries where England is spoken as native language. Because of the influence of these countries, English language spread all over the world. If we want to express our ideas or thought in front of foreign people, English is the only language to be used.
A man with good English language can widen his knowledge by reading many important books written in English. There are so many important books in English by famous writers which we cannot find in other language. It is the international language of business diplomacy, education and science and technology. Every country which seeks increased foreign trade, modern way of life and advances in science and technology has English teaching programme in schools of other levels.
This is the age of science and technology. Computer has got wide popularity all over the world. If we don’t have good knowledge of English, we cannot access to these things. If our English is very good, we can hear many programmers on radio, T.V.etc, because of which we can know the custom, culture and tradition of other people. We become like a dump man without the knowledge of English. We cannot observe the whole world closely without good command of English. English has been a most important part of our life. So, our country Nepal has also recommended English as a compulsory subject in school and campus level.
English is an international language. It has worked as a link language. It is widely spoken all over the world. America, Britain, Australia, Newzeland, Canada etc. are some countries where England is spoken as native language. Because of the influence of these countries, English language spread all over the world. If we want to express our ideas or thought in front of foreign people, English is the only language to be used.
A man with good English language can widen his knowledge by reading many important books written in English. There are so many important books in English by famous writers which we cannot find in other language. It is the international language of business diplomacy, education and science and technology. Every country which seeks increased foreign trade, modern way of life and advances in science and technology has English teaching programme in schools of other levels.
This is the age of science and technology. Computer has got wide popularity all over the world. If we don’t have good knowledge of English, we cannot access to these things. If our English is very good, we can hear many programmers on radio, T.V.etc, because of which we can know the custom, culture and tradition of other people. We become like a dump man without the knowledge of English. We cannot observe the whole world closely without good command of English. English has been a most important part of our life. So, our country Nepal has also recommended English as a compulsory subject in school and campus level.
Health is the most important thing of human beings. Health is our wealth. A healthy man can work harder and better. He always looks happy. He is liked by all. He can earn a lot of money by working hard. He never loses his hope. Instead, he faces the difficulties with courage. A healthy man can enjoy his life. He is free to go anywhere. He is also free to eat anything. A healthy person can progress a lot in his life. He can struggle to make his life bright in future. He is always ready to do anything.
Healthy is one of the important aspects for the development of the country. A country’s development depends on the health of its people. Whether people are educated or not, they can not develop their country unless they are healthy. If people are healthy, they can play an important role for the development of the country. Unhealthy people are only the burden tor the country. They can not enjoy their lives. They are only the spectators for everything. They always think of their ill health. They can not enjoy their property. They are always sad and hopeless. They are like helpless. They need other people’s help for survival. They are unable to do anything.
Three are many important factors which help to keep our health in good condition. The first and most important factor is cleanliness. We should have regular bath. We must keep our surroundings neat and clean. We should not throw the garbage everywhere. Our clothes should be washed regularly. The second important factor is balanced diet. We should eat balanced diet like fruits green vegetables, meats, fish, milk etc. we should wash our hands before we eat. If we drink clean water, we can be free from many kinds of diseases. Another important factor is physical exercise. We should do physical exercise regularly to be healthy. We have to walk on foot tor sometime especially in the morning and evening. We should play different types of games. Over exercise and work are not good for our health. So, we should work and do exercise but not too much. We should sleep and get up in time. We should have rest and entertainment. We should drink a lot of clean drinking water.
Many people are poor and ignorant. They don’t know the value of health. They don’t know how to stay healthy. So they should be given proper education on health.
Health is the most important thing of human beings. Health is our wealth. A healthy man can work harder and better. He always looks happy. He is liked by all. He can earn a lot of money by working hard. He never loses his hope. Instead, he faces the difficulties with courage. A healthy man can enjoy his life. He is free to go anywhere. He is also free to eat anything. A healthy person can progress a lot in his life. He can struggle to make his life bright in future. He is always ready to do anything.
Healthy is one of the important aspects for the development of the country. A country’s development depends on the health of its people. Whether people are educated or not, they can not develop their country unless they are healthy. If people are healthy, they can play an important role for the development of the country. Unhealthy people are only the burden tor the country. They can not enjoy their lives. They are only the spectators for everything. They always think of their ill health. They can not enjoy their property. They are always sad and hopeless. They are like helpless. They need other people’s help for survival. They are unable to do anything.
Three are many important factors which help to keep our health in good condition. The first and most important factor is cleanliness. We should have regular bath. We must keep our surroundings neat and clean. We should not throw the garbage everywhere. Our clothes should be washed regularly. The second important factor is balanced diet. We should eat balanced diet like fruits green vegetables, meats, fish, milk etc. we should wash our hands before we eat. If we drink clean water, we can be free from many kinds of diseases. Another important factor is physical exercise. We should do physical exercise regularly to be healthy. We have to walk on foot tor sometime especially in the morning and evening. We should play different types of games. Over exercise and work are not good for our health. So, we should work and do exercise but not too much. We should sleep and get up in time. We should have rest and entertainment. We should drink a lot of clean drinking water.
Many people are poor and ignorant. They don’t know the value of health. They don’t know how to stay healthy. So they should be given proper education on health.
Saturday, June 12, 2010

communication is basic to an organization existence.A manager spends much of his time communicating to co-ordinate human and physical elements of the organization. In organization idea,goals,plans,instruction,suggestion,etc.Have to be communicated among the managerial staff for the purpose of coordination depends very much upon the coordination and execution of plans.The sauces of as organization depends very much upon the coordinated effort's of people working at different level to achene the common goals.Hence ,when communication fails,organized activity also fails. It is a managerial skill based upon human behavior.
The term communication is derived from the lotion word community's.Lifer ally it mammalians to inform,ti fell,scow or to spread as the process of transmitting information it is the linking process that enables to carry out basic management function. A manager transmits information for a verify of reason
Communication may be defined as the process of transmitting information in such a way that the massage as received is as close in terms of meaning as possible to the intended meaning. Communication A an exchange of facts,ideas opinions or emotions by two or more person.
competition,communication is an indispensable part of the management process. No organization can survive and grow without an effective communication system subject job of a manager is to be get time on communication.thus, communication is an indispensable part of management.the success of the communication system the success of the business. the first executive function is ti develop and maintain system of commutation. the importance of communication van be explained by Tue filling benefits
The term communication is derived from the lotion word community's.Lifer ally it mammalians to inform,ti fell,scow or to spread as the process of transmitting information it is the linking process that enables to carry out basic management function. A manager transmits information for a verify of reason
Communication may be defined as the process of transmitting information in such a way that the massage as received is as close in terms of meaning as possible to the intended meaning. Communication A an exchange of facts,ideas opinions or emotions by two or more person.
competition,communication is an indispensable part of the management process. No organization can survive and grow without an effective communication system subject job of a manager is to be get time on communication.thus, communication is an indispensable part of management.the success of the communication system the success of the business. the first executive function is ti develop and maintain system of commutation. the importance of communication van be explained by Tue filling benefits
- smooth and efficient operation.
- Bases of managerial factions .
- Maximum production at minimum cost.
- prompt decision and implementation
- motivation and moral sound industrial relations.
- public relation
cyber law of nepal commonly known as the electronic transaction and digital signature act-ordinance was enacted in nepal in 2061B.S(2004).the cyber law in nepal was formulated after making a through discussion of the it acts already inplemented in other countries. it was formulated mainly to to legalize the different troding activities throuth the global computer network and to give a boost to the e_governance activities.it contact a strong provision of punishment aganist cyber crims accoding to the nature of the crime .the different cyber crims mentioned in the law of pravacy and taking digital signature as per the provision of law the government is fully authorized to punish cyber criminals both an individuals ao an institution with imprisonment and fine.
A computer network means two or more computer connected with each other to share data,hardware, software,and other resources. Other resources include printers,hard disks,CD drive etc.Telephone lines,cables,satellite lines, radio waves and other communication techniques interconnect computers in the network.
computer networking technology has become the most explosive area of growth in the entire computer industry.Today mote and more computers are being connected into computers networks.The value of the computers connected to a network increases exponentially with the number of machines connected to it.
computers in a network can access network connected hardware devices like printers,disk drives etc.
Information van exchange tepidly In computer network
Computers in a network system share different software packages
Data can he accessed by computers of the network
failure of server stops application being available
Network failure cause kissoff data
User work dependents upon network
User work dependents upon network
System opens to hackers
Proper maintenance of a networks computers requires considerable tome and expertise
computer networking technology has become the most explosive area of growth in the entire computer industry.Today mote and more computers are being connected into computers networks.The value of the computers connected to a network increases exponentially with the number of machines connected to it.
- Computer network is a communication system connecting two or more computers that work together to exchange information and share resources.It includes network data network adapter card to translate the data between the computer and the network media a network operating system to enable a machine to participate in the network and a network protocol to control the network communications.
computers in a network can access network connected hardware devices like printers,disk drives etc.
Information van exchange tepidly In computer network
Computers in a network system share different software packages
Data can he accessed by computers of the network
failure of server stops application being available
Network failure cause kissoff data
User work dependents upon network
User work dependents upon network
System opens to hackers
Proper maintenance of a networks computers requires considerable tome and expertise
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