
Saturday, June 12, 2010


communication is basic to an organization existence.A manager spends much of his time communicating to co-ordinate human and physical elements of the organization. In organization idea,goals,plans,instruction,suggestion,etc.Have to be communicated among the managerial staff for the purpose of coordination depends very much upon the coordination and execution of plans.The sauces of as organization depends very much upon the coordinated effort's of people working at different level to achene the common goals.Hence ,when communication fails,organized activity also fails. It is a managerial skill based upon human behavior.

The term communication is derived from the lotion word community's.Lifer ally it mammalians to inform,ti fell,scow or to spread as the process of transmitting information it is the linking process that enables to carry out basic management function. A manager transmits information for a verify of reason
Communication may be defined as the process of transmitting information in such a way that the massage as received is as close in terms of meaning as possible to the intended meaning. Communication A an exchange of facts,ideas opinions or emotions by two or more person.
competition,communication is an indispensable part of the management process. No organization can survive and grow without an effective communication system subject job of a manager is to be get time on communication.thus, communication is an indispensable part of management.the success of the communication system the success of the business. the first executive function is ti develop and maintain system of commutation. the importance of communication van be explained by Tue filling benefits

  1. smooth and efficient operation.
  2. Bases of managerial factions .
  3. Maximum production at minimum cost.
  4. prompt decision and implementation
  5. motivation and moral sound industrial relations.
  6. public relation


cyber law of nepal commonly known as the electronic transaction and digital signature act-ordinance was enacted in nepal in 2061B.S(2004).the cyber law in nepal was formulated after making a through discussion of the it acts already inplemented in other countries. it was formulated mainly to to legalize the different troding activities throuth the global computer network and to give a boost to the e_governance contact a strong provision of punishment aganist cyber crims accoding to the nature of the crime .the different cyber crims mentioned in the law of pravacy and taking digital signature as per the provision of law the government is fully authorized to punish cyber criminals both an individuals ao an institution with imprisonment and fine.


A computer network means two or more computer connected with each other to share data,hardware, software,and other resources. Other resources include printers,hard disks,CD drive etc.Telephone lines,cables,satellite lines, radio waves and other communication techniques interconnect computers in the network.
computer networking technology has become the most explosive area of growth in the entire computer industry.Today mote and more computers are being connected into computers networks.The value of the computers connected to a network increases exponentially with the number of machines connected to it.
  • Computer network is a communication system connecting two or more computers that work together to exchange information and share resources.It includes network data network adapter card to translate the data between the computer and the network media a network operating system to enable a machine to participate in the network and a network protocol to control the network communications.
computers in a network can access network connected hardware devices like printers,disk drives etc.
Information van exchange tepidly In computer network
Computers in a network system share different software packages
Data can he accessed by computers of the network
failure of server stops application being available
Network failure cause kissoff data
User work dependents upon network
User work dependents upon network
System opens to hackers
Proper maintenance of a networks computers requires considerable tome and expertise